There are various methods available to remove partition from SD card, and you can choose the easiest one to complete the task. Removing partition means deletion of all data together with the partition, which is able to wipe unknown virus on the partition. To erase virus or malware from storage media.In that case, you can try removing corrupt or damaged partition to repair it. Your SD card may go wrong and cannot be accessed properly, or it cannot be formatted due to write-protection. To get rid of damaged partition on SD card.You want to repartition the SD card, before which all partitions should be deleted.Thus you’ll want to delete extra partitions to reclaim all space on the card. There is more than one partition on your SD card, but you can make use of space on the first partition.Anyway, users still want to remove partition on SD card or flash drive for some reasons. We often format SD card or clear an SD card, but we seldom delete partition from SD card or USB drives, as the partition management on SD card is not as easy as on hard drive. About deleting partition from SD card or flash driveĭeleting partition from storage media is common operation we can do in daily lives, which is not true of SD card. You can choose one of these methods to delete partition from storage media. via Disk Management, free partition manager software and Diskpart command line.
#Delete boot.elf from sd card how to
This post will show you how to remove partitions from SD card, USB flash drive, pen stick, etc.